The Member Care Ministry Team focuses its efforts on ensuring members are cared for in time of need and are involved in the life of the church. Our ministry team helps connect members to ministries and activities where they will grow and where their talents can be utilized.
During this year we have been involved in helping to develop a Stephen Ministry Program which provides one-on-one caring for members in need due to recent loss, personal struggle, or other life circumstances. We are excited to see this program begin with the commissioning of three Stephen Leaders who are trained to teach Stephen Ministers within our congregation. In 2018 the plan is for Stephen Ministers to be trained in the early part of the year and then to be ready to help members as the need arises.
Our group supports a network of caring within the church including Friends in Ministry (members who visit members who are homebound or in hospitals or nursing homes), funeral luncheons and a weekly prayer chain ministry provided by Women of Bethlehem, a Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Care Meals (a group which provides an occasional meal for those in need). Member Care Ministry Team members also collect prayers during church services.