Youth Group
Middle school and high school youth meet together during the school year for dinner, activities, service projects, and outings. We also have seasonal parties and lock-ins, monthly themes, fundraisers, maker nights, and much more. Friends are welcome.
We’re always grateful for help providing our weekly dinners!
Here is the meal train link to sign up for a date to bring dinner.
Intergenerational Opportunities
Youth participate in activities and projects in the wider life of the church. These have included:
* Habitat Mission Trip
* Tigers Outing
* Football and Art Fair Parking
* Crop Walk
* Hops & Hallelujahs
* Living Nativity
* Women’s Advent Evening
* Community events and marches
The Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team works with the Minister of Spiritual Growth and Development to develop and implement regular programming and activities to empower and encourage fellowship, faith development, and leadership opportunities among youth in middle school, high school and other young adults. It coordinates with other ministry teams to involve and integrate younger people into the wider life and ministries of the church.